The project is located in the premises of Lom, Bulgaria where is also the main headquarters of Stenli-03 Ltd. Construction took place in two stages: Stage 1 of 1050 kWp– connected and operational in 2010 Stage 2 of 4 MWp – extended and operational in May 2011 Stenli-03 Ltd is appointed as main construction contractor for this first large PV plant in Northwest Bulgaria. As a major electrical contractor in Northwest Bulgaria our main responsibilities for this project cover double 20 kV underground lines to Lom town substation with overall length of 2 km, plant substation and installation of all electrical equipment in the plant. All civil works are carried out by construction companies owned by the investor.
Technical equipment- Polycrystalline solar modules: Yingli
- Inverters: IDS Woodward AG
- Metal constructions by Strimona Ltd